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generateAndroidNotificationActionID(java.lang.String) - function in com.marigold.sdk.NotificationBundle
Generates unique IDs for Notification Actions to so that unique PendingIntents can be created for them.
generateAndroidNotificationID() - function in com.marigold.sdk.NotificationBundle
Build an id to be used to identify the notification while calling android.app.NotificationManager.notify.
get(java.lang.String) - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.AttributeMap
Returns the entry with the given key as an object.
getActionBar() - function in android.app.Activity
getActionLink(com.marigold.sdk.model.ActionTapped) - function in com.marigold.sdk.NotificationBundle
Retrieves any custom links/deeplinks for this action from the notification payload and returns as a string.
getActions() - function in com.marigold.sdk.NotificationBundle
getActionState() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.ActionTapped
getAlert() - function in com.marigold.sdk.NotificationBundle
getApplication() - function in android.app.Activity
getApplicationContext() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getApplicationInfo() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getAssets() - function in android.view.ContextThemeWrapper
getAttributes() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.Message
getAttributionSource() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getAttributionTag() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getBadge() - function in com.marigold.sdk.NotificationBundle
getBaseContext() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getBoolean(java.lang.String,java.lang.Boolean) - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.AttributeMap
Returns the value associated with the given key, or defaultValue if no mapping of the desired type exists for the given key.
getBooleanArray(java.lang.String) - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.AttributeMap
Returns the value associated with the given key, or null if no mapping of the desired type exists for the given key or a null value is explicitly associated with the key.
getBundle() - function in com.marigold.sdk.NotificationBundle
getCacheDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getCaller() - function in android.app.Activity
getCallingActivity() - function in android.app.Activity
getCallingPackage() - function in android.app.Activity
getCategory() - function in com.marigold.sdk.NotificationBundle
getCategory() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.ActionTapped
getCause() - function in kotlin.Throwable
getChangingConfigurations() - function in android.app.Activity
getChannelId() - function in com.marigold.sdk.NotificationBundle
getClassLoader() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getCode() - function in com.marigold.sdk.HttpError
getCodeCacheDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getColor(java.lang.Integer) - function in android.content.Context
getColorStateList(java.lang.Integer) - function in android.content.Context
getComponentName() - function in android.app.Activity
getContentResolver() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getContentScene() - function in android.app.Activity
getContentTransitionManager() - function in android.app.Activity
getContentURL() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.Message
The content's URL if this is a TYPE_LINK Message.
getCreatedAt() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.Message
Created date of the Message.
getCurrentCaller() - function in android.app.Activity
getCurrentFocus() - function in android.app.Activity
getDatabasePath(java.lang.String) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getDataDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getDate(java.lang.String) - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.AttributeMap
Returns the value associated with the given key, or null if no mapping of the desired type exists for the given key or a null value is explicitly associated with the key.
getDateArray(java.lang.String) - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.AttributeMap
Returns the value associated with the given key, or null if no mapping of the desired type exists for the given key or a null value is explicitly associated with the key.
getDeepLink() - function in com.marigold.sdk.NotificationBundle
getDeviceId() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getDeviceId(com.marigold.sdk.Marigold.MarigoldHandler) - function in com.marigold.sdk.Marigold
Gets this devices ID on the Marigold Mobile Platform.
getDeviceId(com.marigold.sdk.Marigold) - function in com.marigold.sdk.MarigoldExtensionsKt
Gets this device's ID on the Marigold Platform.
getDeviceIdResult(com.marigold.sdk.Marigold) - function in com.marigold.sdk.MarigoldExtensionsKt
Gets this device's ID on the Marigold Platform.
getDir(java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getDisplay() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getDrawable(java.lang.Integer) - function in android.content.Context
getEntries() - function in com.marigold.sdk.enums.EventSource
All valid Source values for EngageBySailthru.logEvent
getEntries() - function in com.marigold.sdk.enums.ImpressionType
Impression type enum for Message impression events.
getEntries() - function in com.marigold.sdk.enums.MergeRules
Enum with options for how the attribute map should be applied to existing attributes.
getEntries() - function in com.marigold.sdk.enums.NotificationActionState
Enum to describe state that notification action interaction will be handled in.
getEntries() - function in com.marigold.sdk.enums.NotificationPermissionRequestResult
Enum to details the result of requesting the POST_NOTIFICATIONS permission for the app.
getErrorLayout() - function in com.marigold.sdk.MessageActivity
getExternalCacheDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getExternalCacheDirs() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getExternalFilesDir(java.lang.String) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getExternalFilesDirs(java.lang.String) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getExternalMediaDirs() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getFilesDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getFileStreamPath(java.lang.String) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getFloat(java.lang.String,java.lang.Float) - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.AttributeMap
Returns the value associated with the given key, or defaultValue if no mapping of the desired type exists for the given key.
getFloatArray(java.lang.String) - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.AttributeMap
Returns the value associated with the given key, or null if no mapping of the desired type exists for the given key or a null value is explicitly associated with the key.
getFragmentManager() - function in android.app.Activity
getHtmlText() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.Message
The formatted HTML text of the Message
getID() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.PurchaseItem
Your unique identifier (for example, SKU) for the item.
getImages() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.PurchaseItem
Set a map of image types full and/or thumb to objects specifying the URL for each image.
getImageURL() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.Message
URL of the Message's image.
getImageUrlFromPayload() - function in com.marigold.sdk.NotificationBundle
getIncomplete() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.Purchase
Whether the purchase is incomplete.
getInitialCaller() - function in android.app.Activity
getInt(java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer) - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.AttributeMap
Returns the value associated with the given key, or defaultValue if no mapping of the desired type exists for the given key.
getIntArray(java.lang.String) - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.AttributeMap
Returns the value associated with the given key, or null if no mapping of the desired type exists for the given key or a null value is explicitly associated with the key.
getIntent() - function in android.app.Activity
getLastNonConfigurationInstance() - function in android.app.Activity
getLaunchedFromPackage() - function in android.app.Activity
getLaunchedFromUid() - function in android.app.Activity
getLayoutInflater() - function in android.app.Activity
getLoaderManager() - function in android.app.Activity
getLocalClassName() - function in android.app.Activity
getLocalizedMessage() - function in kotlin.Throwable
getMainExecutor() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getMainLooper() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getMaxNumPictureInPictureActions() - function in android.app.Activity
getMediaController() - function in android.app.Activity
getMediaURL() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.Message
If Message is of type TYPE_VIDEO, this links to the video content.
getMenuInflater() - function in android.app.Activity
getMergeRules() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.AttributeMap
Returns the merge rules for this set of attributes.
getMessage(java.lang.String,com.marigold.sdk.MessageStream.MessageStreamHandler) - function in com.marigold.sdk.MessageStream
Retrieves a Message for a given Message ID.
getMessage(com.marigold.sdk.MessageStream,java.lang.String) - function in com.marigold.sdk.MessageStreamExtensionsKt
Retrieves a Message for a given Message ID.
getMessage() - function in kotlin.Throwable
getMessageID() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.Message
The ID of the Message
getMessageId() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.Purchase
Set the message ID associated with the purchase.
getMessageIdFromPayload() - function in com.marigold.sdk.NotificationBundle
getMessageReadFlow() - function in com.marigold.sdk.MessageStreamExtensionsKt
getMessageResult(com.marigold.sdk.MessageStream,java.lang.String) - function in com.marigold.sdk.MessageStreamExtensionsKt
Retrieves a Message for a given Message ID.
getMessages(com.marigold.sdk.MessageStream.MessagesHandler) - function in com.marigold.sdk.MessageStream
Retrieve all Messages visible for this device.
getMessages(com.marigold.sdk.MessageStream) - function in com.marigold.sdk.MessageStreamExtensionsKt
Retrieve all Messages visible for this device.
getMessagesResult(com.marigold.sdk.MessageStream) - function in com.marigold.sdk.MessageStreamExtensionsKt
Retrieve all Messages visible for this device.
getName() - function in com.marigold.sdk.NotificationCategory
getName() - function in kotlin.EventSource
getName() - function in kotlin.ImpressionType
getName() - function in kotlin.MergeRules
getName() - function in kotlin.NotificationActionState
getName() - function in kotlin.NotificationPermissionRequestResult
getNoBackupFilesDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getNotificationActionTappedFlow() - function in com.marigold.sdk.MarigoldExtensionsKt
getNotificationId() - function in com.marigold.sdk.NotificationBundle
getNotificationReceivedFlow() - function in com.marigold.sdk.MarigoldExtensionsKt
getNotificationTappedFlow() - function in com.marigold.sdk.MarigoldExtensionsKt
getObbDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getObbDirs() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getOnBackInvokedDispatcher() - function in android.app.Activity
getOpPackageName() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getOrdinal() - function in kotlin.EventSource
getOrdinal() - function in kotlin.ImpressionType
getOrdinal() - function in kotlin.MergeRules
getOrdinal() - function in kotlin.NotificationActionState
getOrdinal() - function in kotlin.NotificationPermissionRequestResult
getPackageCodePath() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getPackageManager() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getPackageName() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getPackageResourcePath() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getParams() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getParent() - function in android.app.Activity
getParentActivityIntent() - function in android.app.Activity
getPreferences(java.lang.Integer) - function in android.app.Activity
getPrice() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.PurchaseAdjustment
Price of adjustment, in cents (e.g.
getPrice() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.PurchaseItem
Price of one item, in cents (e.g.
getProfileVars(com.marigold.sdk.Marigold.MarigoldHandler) - function in com.marigold.sdk.EngageBySailthru
Retrieve the profile vars set on the server.
getProfileVars(com.marigold.sdk.EngageBySailthru) - function in com.marigold.sdk.EngageBySailthruExtensionsKt
Retrieve the profile vars set on the server.
getProfileVarsResult(com.marigold.sdk.EngageBySailthru) - function in com.marigold.sdk.EngageBySailthruExtensionsKt
Retrieve the profile vars set on the server.
getPurchaseAdjustments() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.Purchase
Array of PurchaseAdjustments being applied to the purchase.
getPurchaseItems() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.Purchase
Array of PurchaseItems being purchased.
getQuantity() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.PurchaseItem
Quantity of the item purchased.
getReferrer() - function in android.app.Activity
getRemoteInputBundle() - function in com.marigold.sdk.NotificationBundle
Return bundle containing remote input results.
getRequestedOrientation() - function in android.app.Activity
getResources() - function in android.view.ContextThemeWrapper
getSearchEvent() - function in android.app.Activity
getSharedPreferences(java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getSound(java.lang.String) - function in com.marigold.sdk.NotificationBundle
getSplashScreen() - function in android.app.Activity
getStackTrace() - function in kotlin.Throwable
getString(java.lang.Integer) - function in android.content.Context
getString(java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Object) - function in android.content.Context
getString(java.lang.String) - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.AttributeMap
Returns the value associated with the given key, or null if no mapping of the desired type exists for the given key or a null value is explicitly associated with the key.
getStringArray(java.lang.String) - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.AttributeMap
Returns the value associated with the given key, or null if no mapping of the desired type exists for the given key or a null value is explicitly associated with the key.
getSuppressed() - function in kotlin.Throwable
getSystemService(java.lang.String) - function in android.app.Activity
getSystemService(java.lang.Class) - function in android.content.Context
getSystemServiceName(java.lang.Class) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getTags() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.PurchaseItem
A list of tags applicable to the product.
getTaskId() - function in android.app.Activity
getText(java.lang.Integer) - function in android.content.Context
getText() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.Message
The body text of the Message.
getTheme() - function in android.view.ContextThemeWrapper
getTitle() - function in android.app.Activity
getTitle() - function in com.marigold.sdk.NotificationBundle
getTitle() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.ActionTapped
getTitle() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.Message
The title of the Message
getTitle() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.PurchaseAdjustment
Short user-readable name/title of the adjustment (eg.
getTitle() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.PurchaseItem
Short user-readable name/title of the item purchased.
getTitleColor() - function in android.app.Activity
getType() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.Message
The type of this message: Text, Image, Video, Link, or Fake Call.
getUnreadMessageCount(com.marigold.sdk.MessageStream.MessageStreamHandler) - function in com.marigold.sdk.MessageStream
Asynchronously returns the total number of unread messages in the message stream.
getUnreadMessageCount(com.marigold.sdk.MessageStream) - function in com.marigold.sdk.MessageStreamExtensionsKt
Get the total number of unread messages in the message stream.
getUnreadMessageCountFlow() - function in com.marigold.sdk.MessageStreamExtensionsKt
getUnreadMessageCountResult(com.marigold.sdk.MessageStream) - function in com.marigold.sdk.MessageStreamExtensionsKt
Get the total number of unread messages in the message stream.
getUrl() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.PurchaseItem
The URL of the item.
getVars() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.Purchase
Any number of custom variables to attach to the order.
getVars() - function in com.marigold.sdk.model.PurchaseItem
Vars can be any number of custom fields and values to attach to each item for later retrieval in templates or use in Audience Builder or Lifecycle Optimizer.
getVideoUrlFromPayload() - function in com.marigold.sdk.NotificationBundle
getVoiceInteractor() - function in android.app.Activity
getVolumeControlStream() - function in android.app.Activity
getWallpaper() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getWallpaperDesiredMinimumHeight() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getWallpaperDesiredMinimumWidth() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
getWindow() - function in android.app.Activity
getWindowManager() - function in android.app.Activity
grantUriPermission(java.lang.String,android.net.Uri,java.lang.Integer) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
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