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peekWallpaper() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
PERMISSION_ALREADY_GRANTED - enum entry in com.marigold.sdk.enums.NotificationPermissionRequestResult

Push notification permission has already been granted for the app - no request was required.

PERMISSION_NOT_REQUIRED - enum entry in com.marigold.sdk.enums.NotificationPermissionRequestResult

The device Android version does not require the push notification permission.

PERMISSION_RATIONALE_REQUIRED - enum entry in com.marigold.sdk.enums.NotificationPermissionRequestResult

The user has previously denied push permission for the app and an activity explaining the need for push notifications should be shown before making the permissions request. If this activity is already being displayed then Marigold.requestNotificationPermission should be called with isRationaleActivity set to true.

PERMISSION_REQUESTED - enum entry in com.marigold.sdk.enums.NotificationPermissionRequestResult

The POST_NOTIFICATIONS permission was requested for the app. This will display a popup to the user, the outcome of which can be handled in the calling activity's Activity.onRequestPermissionsResult implementation.

postponeEnterTransition() - function in android.app.Activity
printStackTrace() - function in kotlin.Throwable
printStackTrace(java.io.PrintStream) - function in kotlin.Throwable
printStackTrace(java.io.PrintWriter) - function in kotlin.Throwable
Purchase - class in com.marigold.sdk.model
A purchase to log to the platform.
PurchaseAdjustment - class in com.marigold.sdk.model
Purchase Adjustments (positive or negative) that should be applied to the total order value.
PurchaseItem - class in com.marigold.sdk.model
An item being purchased.
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